Posts in GEAR
4 Photography Tools That will Make Your Life 10 x Easier

My husband has not one, not two, but three areas for his tools - the garage (where no cars are allowed) a shed at the back of the garden, and a “lock up” where the bigger and least used tools are.

But I only ever seem to see him use about 4 of the tools from them on any regular basis!

Which is the same in photography - although there are many shiny objects competing for our attention, there are only 4 that I would say I really recommend for you to get when learning photography.

These are the ones that I think will make the most difference both in terms of improving your photography skills, but also in just simply making your life easier, or saving you from frustration and headaches!

So without further ado, let’s jump in!

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6 Different Types of Camera Lenses (and when to use each one)

One of the things that used to REALLY confuse me when I first started learning photography was all the different types of camera lenses that were available,  which one I would need, and when I would use each one!

So as I’m willing to bet this bamboozles you too, I’ve put together this post that should make it all seem a damn sight easier to understand.

It breaks down the different types of lenses you can get, the variations you can find within that, along with suggestions for when you would use each one.  

Plus, at the end of this post you’ll also get access to a free bonus download, The Which Lens Quick Guide, so don’t leave without it!

Let’s dig in…

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Your DSLR to Mirrorless Questions Answered!

Today, I’m answering all your questions about switching from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera!

I switched cameras earlier this year from the Canon 5Dmk3, a DSLR camera, to the mirrorless Canon R6, and I’ve been loving having a new camera to play with.

I’ve had SO many questions about switching from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera in general, things like whether it was worth making the switch from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera, whether I had any problems with accessories or lenses, what was the most challenging thing to learn and so on, so today, I wanted to answer some of the most common ones I’ve received about changing over!

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GEARAudrey Ann